Hiring: Music Director
The Smith Valley United Methodist Church (SVUMC) is seeking an energetic and passionate Music Director to advance and lead the church in the area of music and worship.
The music director is a member of the staff of SVUMC and is accountable to the pastor and the Staff-Parish Relations Committee. The primary goal of the music director is to lead the worship team and congregation in relevant, meaningful worship experiences that help people connect with God.
Part-time Position Salary $12,000-$13,500/ year
Requirements: piano and organ; 4 years’ experience
Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, resume, and if available a brief link to an audio or video of a performance to smithvalleyumchurch@gmail.com.
Essential Duties Include:
Playing piano and/or organ for all regular and special worship services. This includes providing music 10 minutes prior to the worship service and until the body of the congregation has left the sanctuary.
Meet with the pastor weekly to design worship services, including music selection, service order/elements, and themes.
The Director should be comfortable playing and leading a variety of Christian worship music, from traditional hymns to contemporary worship songs.
The Director will recruit, organize, and lead musicians to assist in worship as needed.
Lead practices during the week to prepare for worship. Rehearsing and directing the choir for all regular and special worship services.
Working with the youth of the congregation to provide opportunities for their involvement in the music ministry.
Work with members of the Audio/Visual Team to ensure smooth integration of technology in worship service.
Play piano and/or organ music
Ensure compliance with music copyright streaming and publication services (i.e., CCLI, One License, Christian Copyright Solutions, etc.)